Saturday, January 15, 2011

Basic Credential Areas

As I am working this morning, based on your responses to the recent survey 119 of you participated in, I think that the new credential should involve four areas: early childhood education, legal and fiscal management, leadership and administration, and human resources/staff management.  Many of you also believe that experience as a director should and be required for the credential.  These areas will align with the WV STARS competency areas. I will be introducing the credential framework at Celebrating Connections in February.  At that time, I hope to hear from you about how you think the credential development is progressing.  My plan this weekend is to put together some options for obtaining credit.  For instance should one 3 hour college credit bearing class equal 45 contact hours of training through the CCR&R?  What about a one week seminar like, "Human Side of Management"?  Should it be equal to one college class? Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see so many of you at CCC in WV.
